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bedroom air purifier Plants

Oxygen Bedroom Plants

It is scientifically proven with more oxygen the skin and human looks and feels younger. plants give so much life and healthy air quality to your bedroom and if you’ve been discouraged from getting plants because your room doesn’t get plenty of sunlight, here are some plants that will grow in a window-less room. all of these plants will thrive in your window-less bedroom but will require some artificial light (lamps or ceiling lights) to remain ON for most of the day. They should not be left in a super dark room for way too long or they’ll get lonely and die (except for bedtime office)

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1.snake plant - Sansevieria Trifisciata
emits oxygen at night that helps you sleep better
removes xylene, trichloroethylene, toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air

2.Aglaonema Siam Aurora:
cleans out formaldehyde and benzene from the air in your home

3.Guzmania Freya Bromeliad or Bromeliad Neoregelia
releases oxygen and removes air pollutants
will bloom once in its lifetime

4.Peace Lily Plant
adaptable and low-maintenance
breaks down and neutralizes toxic gases like benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide

removes formaldehyde from the air (a chemical found in insulation, floor coverings, cleaning agents, pressed wood, and even paper towels)

6.pothos plant
one of the most effective air purifiers for removing common toxins

7.zz plant
tolerates neglect, it’s drought tolerant, and accepts low-light conditions
removes copious amounts of toxins