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creatine muscle building

I use muscle building supplement called creatine monohydrate

There are many forms but I like this and also many trainers suggested me to take 15g per day but it is not correct. This gives me pump and lean muscle. Only 3 steps to follow and no side effects. 

  1. I personally take less than 1-2g per day before work out. This is no loading procedure in building body. I do moderate work out and do not eat sugar.
  2. It is necessary to take whey protein as per you weight daily and 
  3. most importantly take 3 liters of water daily.


Firstly, try the second one and try as it is less amount in quantity and price.

Note: Once if you start using you will be some what used to it. For me I use it but could not stop using it for pump, stamina and energy. Personally after 6 months I got lean muscle and not muscle thinning but rich muscle. Further no side effects for me till now.