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prostatitis cure precautions prevention further

I am not a doctor but I have faced prostatitis problem many times and with substantial frequent experience from many years makes me eligible to write my experience and how I managed to overcome and how I understood my body. If you have the following problem the problem is gonna hit you again and again occasionally unless you take care of it 

If something is hurting your body parts then there is always other things you are not doing right. Inflammation on groin part is due to below reasons. Even doctors are unable to detect after further tests. The effect and pain of injury may not be immediately but it is definite. 

  1. Drink enough water at least 2-3 liters excluding the water content in the food. The people who history of this problem needs to drink water no matter what happened.
  2. Protect your groin area from injuries. Upper part and lower part also. Sitting on a hard surface can also stop blood circulation. 
  3. Sleep in correct posture "Lying on your stomach" and keeping pressure on groin part especially injures the blood vessels and veins which induce the prostatitis. Stops blood flow to the testicles. Lay flat to the back to avoid any injury. 
  4. Regular exercise, stretching and proper food, protein and avoid unhealthy diet. 
  5. Relax the muscles and avoid stress.